If you have to say or do something controversial, aim so that people will hate that they love it and not love that they hate it.
- Criss Jami

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Ignore the attempts to draw false (or non-false) equivalences, as they ignore the conduct at issue here. Maybe there are other cases against other people for similar cases, but that is a separate debate depending on the facts of those cases. The allegations charge, among other things, that a defendant showed highly sensitive information to someone without clearance regarding US defense weaknesses and plans. The defendant also obstructed attempts by the government to retrieve the information. Removing the name of the defendant, anyone would want this person in jail. We can’t make exceptions for those that we politically admire (or despise). 

Biden made the mistake of preparing for a debate. Trump turned it into a boxing match. By constantly interrupting Biden, Trump prevented Biden from fully articulating his arguments. Sure it was a low blow, and Trump may have had little regard for the truth, but he succeeded in his goal: Trump transformed the debate into a spectacle demonstrating his quickness and prowess, compared to Biden allowing himself to be interrupted and look weak/tired.

It is irrelevant if everything Trump said is wrong. People won't remember what was actually said, but they will remember that Trump had much more energy and Biden had difficulty getting his issues across. There is a saying in law: When you don't have the law, argue the facts. When you don't have the facts, bang on the table and yell. That is what Trump did, and very effectively.

Crowd sizes tell more about the types of people a candidate is appealing to than the electorate at large - or more precisely, drawing large crowds just means that Warren is attractive to the types that have the (1) time and (2) desire to wait in long lines just to watch a politician deliver talking points.

Remember, in the 2012 election cycle, Romney thought he was going to beat Obama because of the large crowds he was pulling. Hillary Clinton rarely matched Bernie Sanders or Trumps' crowd sizes, but she still garnered much more votes than both.

While his methods can, at times, look objectionable, that is Trump's brilliance. Trump does not hate immigrants, he is simply doing what no one else has ever had the guts to do: force a difficult conversation. And how he does this is by grabbing our attention and forcing us to address hard questions about what our immigration policy should look like, rather than continuing to kick the can down the road and hide behind traditional liberal/conservative platitudes. And if there is any doubt, just read The Art of the Deal, where Trump explicated THIRTY-TWO years ago that his strategy is to push one position further than he knows is reasonable in order to arrive at compromise.

Username: Darth Butt
