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1 Left Posts 6 Right Posts 1 UpvotesMy desire to rid the world of public masking is driven by love and my desire to return to a normal society. I love people – everyone – but masks restrict us from being able to witness and be a part of humanity and experience social interaction. The face is where we most express ourselves. When I pass someone masked, it is hard to see them as an individual or feel part of the same social fabric. It might seem hyperbolic, but continued public masking pushes fragmentation of our society.
Even if the censure was appropriate, the circus of people like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert made a completely mockery of the process. Plus, the censure lacks legitimacy without a bipartisan consensus.
Come on, the Left's focus completely ignores the context of the previous statements. Chris Wallace asked whether Trump would ask "white supremacist and militia groups" to "stand down" to which Trump said "I am prepared to do that... I am willing to do anything. I want to see peace." He then attempted, perhaps inarticulately, to use Chris Wallace's exact phrasing: "Who would you like be to condemn? Proud Boys - stand back and stand by, but I tell you what, somebody has to do something about antifa and the left." Not only did Trump respond that he (a) would condemn those groups, he (b) then did so, and (c) said that the antifa also deserved criticism.
The Left is primarily upset that Republicans previously engaged in political theater - and yes, lied - in stopping Merrick Garland's nomination. But guess what: Republicans' prior successful antics have nothing to do with whether Republicans now should fill a vacant Supreme Court seat.
Sure, Republicans filibustered Garland and made statements that are now hypocritical. Politicians are sleazy. But don't forget that Democrats similarly argued in 2016 arguing for the Senate voting on a President's Supreme Court nomination in an election year, yet now claim that we should wait. Again, politicians are sleazy, on both sides. Fortunately, that sleaze is unrelated to the procedural requirements for running government and filing vacant Supreme Court seats.
This is another fracas over nothing. Israel's ban of two supporters of the BDS movement is not just mandated by Israeli law, it also complies with international norms.
Here, there is no question that, under Israeli law, Representatives Omar and Tlaib are not to be allowed entry visas based on their support of the boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement. And this makes sense. Why would a country willingly encourage its open enemies to come and advocate against it? Representatives Omar and Tlaib's intentions were clear: they forewent a bipartisan delegation trip in favor of one sponsored by anti-Semites. Representative Tlaib went so far as to lie and request entry for humanitarian reasons to visit her 90-year-old grandmother in exchange for setting aside her advocacy efforts, but when Israel agreed, she balked. This is not the behavior of good-faithed actors.
Other countries regularly do the same thing. In 2012, President Obama denied a U.S. entry visa to a right-wing member of the Israeli Knesset. For ten years beginning in 2005, the U.S. blocked entry to the future Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi. The United Kingdom has banned a host of U.S. citizens, including Chris Brown, Busta Rhymes, Martha Stewart, Mike Tyson, Dog the Bounty Hunter, and Snoop Dogg.
Nations have various reasons for banning bad actors. Exceptions should not be made just because the bad actor has been successful in gaining power.
Rather than address the substance of what President Trump said, the left is attacking the President's character. The argument seems to go that, because Trump has criticized Baltimore's leaders - many of whom happen to be black - for fostering a failing city overrun with violent criminals - many of whom also happen to be black - that Trump must be a racist. According to this logic, Trump is incapable of leveling any criticism against any institution where the some of those at fault are not of Trump's race. Remind me how this is progressive thought?
While the unnecessary Trump bashing is obnoxious (although expected), the true losers are those that are forgotten in this debate: the victims of Baltimore's failed leaders - most of whom happen to be black - who Trump is actually trying to help (e.g., lowest black unemployment rate in history). Let's not forget that Bernie Sanders called Baltimore a "Third World country" and a "disgrace" in 2015. Were those comments also racist?
Last year, Baltimore had the highest murder rate and ranked second for violent crime. We should all agree that this represents a horrific failing on the part of Baltimore's leaders. Attacking those that attempt to bring accountability is not just unproductive, it is wrong.
It's not always about race fellas.
Burgess Owens:
At the core of the reparation movement is a divisive and demeaning view of both races. It grants to the white race a wicked superiority, treating them as an oppressive people too powerful for black Americans to overcome. It brands blacks as hapless victims devoid of the ability, which every other culture possesses, to assimilate and progress. Neither label is earned.
The reparations movement conveniently forgets the 150 years of legal, social and economic progress attained by millions of American minorities. It also minimizes the sacrifice that hundreds of thousands of white Americans and a Republican president made laying down their lives to eradicate slavery...
It is their divisive message that marks the black race as forever broken, as a people whose healing comes only through the guilt, pity, profits and benevolence of the white race. This perception is playing out on our nation's college campuses, where young white Americans claim privilege due to their skin color and young black Americans, with no apparent shame, accept this demeaning of their own color as truth.
As they repeat this mantra, they seem unaware that this perception was also shared by the 1960s Southern white supremacists of my youth. They have accepted the theory that skin color alone is capable of making one race superior to the other-that through an irremovable white advantage, with no additional effort, values, personal initiative, honesty or education, white Americans will succeed, while black Americans will fail. At its very core this represents the condescending evil of racism.
It certainly does not represent black America's potential.